Studio for Two

I wrote a few posts about the old relationship but never published them, in an effort to make myself focus on the future. Confident in my forward motion, it feels less painful to share them now. I’ll be sprinkling them in in the next couple of weeks. Here’s one such post:

He moved into my Adams Morgan studio in the Summer of 2007, while he was between apartments.  It was a grudging move for him:  he hadn’t wanted to leave his place in NoVa, but his roommate/landlord’s new fiance was moving in and my ex had to go.

I, on the other hand, though excited, was a bit freaked about the possible pitfalls of the new arrangement.  The Summer could be terrible, and break us up for good.  The Summer could be amazing, and he might stay (the only downside being the disapproval of my Southern mother who always vehemently warned against living with a man before marriage).  Or, possibly worst, the Summer could be amazing, and he might still leave.

The Summer was amazing.  I was working four jobs, and he a very grueling one, but we still came home to each other.  Bliss.

…And he still left.

When he moved out that September, he said the new place was a great opportunity for him to live closer to his client site, and with a couple of work buddies.  Ours was never supposed to be a permanent arrangement, he reminded me, and my studio was too small for the both of us.

One Response to “Studio for Two”

  1. Glandular Problem, Boundary Problem « RoarSavage Says:

    […] Problem, Boundary Problem By roarsavage Within a month of moving out of my Adams Morgan studio, one of the work friends in my ex’s new highrise apartment in […]

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